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4-3-23: Addressing Concerns

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

Insights from Our Daughter's 12-Month Well-Check

The following day was her 12-month well-check, but it happened to be one of the last appointments of the day. Fortunately, it was an in-office workday (I follow a hybrid work schedule), which helped distract me and maintain my sanity. When the appointment time arrived, I immediately approached the pediatrician, urging her to check my daughter’s legs. Although she listened to my concerns, she insisted on performing the regular well-check, asking the usual developmental questions, and so on. All I wanted were answers, and it felt like every step leading up to that moment was prolonging my quest for clarity. Finally, the doctor examined her legs. While she acknowledged a leg length discrepancy, she couldn’t provide any definitive answers. She ruled out hip dysplasia, citing the absence of a 'clunking sensation' and 'popping noises' during the Ortolani Test. However, she couldn't be certain about the issue and, acknowledging that pediatric orthopedics wasn't her specialty, referred us to a pediatric orthopedic doctor.

Embarking on Answers: The Pediatric Orthopedic Referral

I left feeling even more fearful than I did yesterday. The doctor confirmed that 'something' was off but didn’t know what it was. I received a referral for the orthopedic doctor’s office with a phone number and was told someone would call me in a day or two. I didn’t wait. I called right after leaving the well check. It was the end of the workday, so I wasn’t surprised when the orthopedic office didn’t answer, despite my hopefulness. I left a voicemail. After putting the kids to bed, I scoured the internet, looking up anything and everything that this could possibly be.

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